Saturday, May 01, 2010

Iron Man 2 > Iron Man 1 (FALSE)

(picture source: web)

Plot. Nothing particularly new in Iron Man 2 and it does not deliver its plot in higher speed, either. Mr. Stark already did his soul-searching in the first installment (and I get that he needed to), but on this second installment he insists us to see his second kind of search. That’s just one self-centered Iron Man too many, in my opinion.

Enemy. Insignificant: a muscled genius (rare, but not a banging kind of surprise) and loud mouth moneybag team up to build a squadron of Iron-Man-wannabe (again?). America apparently had more enemy on its own soil than abroad.

Casts and Scenes. Johansson’s take on the sequel was cosmetic, at best (talk about under-empowering your human resource). Bettany didn’t voice enough Jarvis (too bad). Iron Man-War Machine brawling scene: that’s just jock fight in metal suits. Not even Rourke with his newly-found signature gave Iron Man 2 a better taste. Stan Lee was mistaken for Larry King (you may want to double-check on this one for me): that’s cheesy, even for you, Mr. Lee.

What’s Left. Two good things about Iron Man 2: (1) Director Jon Favreau played good hapless tertiary sidekick (how’s that for irony?), and; (2) AC/DC scratched good axes for the soundtrack, I actually want to buy the CD (look at me with my 80’s rock lingo).

1 comment:

Heat-Choc said...

Menghibur sih, bagus, tp entah knp film itu ada something yg kosong bgt..